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In the Bushido tradition, Dojo Kun is a set of guidelines for Karateka to follow. These guidelines apply both in the Dojo (training hall) and in everyday life.
Gi – Justice or Integrity
I will have the right mindset and choose the right way when making decisions. I have the power to decide swiftly based on proper reasons.
Yu – Courage
I will have the courage to do the right thing. I have the courage to follow what I believe.
Jin – Mercy or Benevolence
I have enough skills to finish my opponent; but I show mercy and sympathy as required.
Rei – Respect
I will respect elders, life, and the belief of others. I will be polite towards everything.
Makoto – Honesty
I believe that honesty in everything I do will acquire respect. I will be trustworthy.
Meiyo – Honor
Living and dying with great honor is vital to every samurai warrior. Everything I do will be with great honor.
Chugi – Loyalty
I will treat other Bushidokas like family and would safeguard and help fellow Bushidokas.